Customer Bike
Customer Bike -- Trond Geving - Norway
Customer Bike
The most modern 45 Restoration from John H., Dallas,TX
A Classic -- Bill Johnson, Midland, NY
Nice, yellow, Firebrand, Hog -- Jimmy Jones of Austin, TX
Dave Mathews, Lake George, Utah
Riding the Hills -- Rick Woons, Albany, KY
Formidable Racer -- Jason William, Pachogen, WA
Bike with sparks -- James Wilson, Albany, NY
2008 Harley Davidson High Neck Chopper -- Robert Packard, Balcones Heights, TX
Harlry Davidson Guages -- Robert Wynn, Fairfield,IA
2003 Harley Fat Boy Motorcycle -- James Hommina, Robertstown,PA
Harley Davidson Pea Shooter -- James Williams (Restorer) Bryan, NY
The 2010 Fat Boy Lo is a Harley-Davidson Softail -- sent in by Robert
Choppers -- sent in by Fluit
1909 Harley-Davidson V Twin
This picture was submitted by Ron Dil, it was taken about 1919. The person in the picture is his grandfather, Joseph Funk (1884-1961).
This Hard Tail Chopper used to be owned by Henk Bouwels,
Weert, The Netherlands. It's a rigid frame type Kalle, from Sweden,
frontfork is Tolle, also from Sweden (14 inch overstock) A Sportster
Gas tank, homemade seat, 80 spokes wheels, car tire on the back.
A 67 4 speed Tranny with a Evolution Engine bike was built in 2000.
He owned this bike for 9 years and it was sold in 2009.
A very early Harley Davidson 5 Wheeler.
Elvis Presley
1965 Velocette 500cc Venom Clubman Veeline
How about something really different -- a 1947 Cushman Model 52. This picture was
submitted by Wayne Golden, Mercedes, TX.
1950 BSA -- This picture was submitted by Amr Said Rashed, and he lives in Dubai.